Saturday, March 6, 2010

11 Months

Hi B!

You have reached some great milestones this last month. My favorite is that you have started walking. You took your first steps about a month ago and have gone from 1 step at a time to 5 or 6. You have walked 12 or so steps on a few occasions, but not regularly. You are getting braver though and take steps almost everytime you are standing up, unfortunately you fall a lot too but that is one of the consequences of taking risks in life. I love that you always get up and keep trying! I can't wait until you are walking on a regular basis!

You also talk so much! It always sounds like you are saying words, but we aren't sure. For example you will say kitty and look at the kitty, but it only kind of sounds like the word kitty, but you sure try! It is so adorable.

You still do your reading program, but mom has been slacking big time. You dont like to read the cards with me, you just like to hold them and fold/bend them. That ruins them, so I dont use them much. The same goes with the book, since it is a paper book, not a board book, you just rip and fold the pages. Therefore, I don't think it is going to help much until you are older. You stillw watch the movies on a regular basis and I will be honest that I will stick to that because it is a nice break for mom to get some things done around the house. But you seem to love them!

You are getting so big! I love it!

Love you,
