Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday

Dear B,

Today is officially your birthday. I was very sad that I had to come into work today. I really wanted to spend the day with you. But you went to the sitters and you were smiling and so excited when we got there, so I am sure you had a fantastic day and were able to play with the kids and have fun on your birthday.

Your party was quite the success. We had about 40 people show up for your party. We had a BBQ did presents and cake and ice cream. My favorite part was giving you your smash cake. You were unsure about it at first and dad stuck your hand into it. You almost started crying when you couldn't get it off your hand. Then I gave you a bite to eat and you realized it was yummy so you chowed down. You mostly just ate it with your mouth and didn't use your hands, silly boy! Then we gave you a bath. You were super cute and I loved every minute of your party. You also had so much fun! Probably one of the best days we have had. You also are thrilled about the number of balloons in our house!

Love you!


BTW we are going to go get you a toy organizer tonight because your toys are overtaking our room! I am excited to organize them!