Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Catching Up

Dear B,

Hi honey! Right now you are down stairs "singing" head, shoulders, knees and toes along with the tv. So cute! You are getting so big and I wanted to catch up on a few things on here.

1 - You are walking like a pro and absolutely loving it. Actually you think you should walk everywhere, so it took us about 20 minutes to walk to the mailbox the other day because you refused to let me hold you. You also decided you should walk about half way through grocery shopping the other day. You are going to wear me out!

2 - You stood up 2 times by yourself this last weekend, without holding on to anything to pull yourself up on. YAY!

3 - We have stopped nursing as of 3/22 and you are doing great. You drink bottles fine, and you use sippy cups great, but you won't drink a bottles worth of milk out of a sippy, so we are working on you drinking a little more with the sippy.

4 - We just got your 1 year/family pictures taken two weeks ago. They should be done and back to us soon. I can't wait! We got one so far and you are so cute. It was so cold outside and windy that day, so I bet not a whole lot turned out great. You were such a trooper. YOu were so cold and shivering, so you probably have the same face in all the pictures. I will post some when we get them back.

5 - Finally, my favorite thing is that you have become cuddly. Not when you are awake during the day, but before naps, before bed and in the morning you will sit and cuddle with us or lay on our shoulder. It is so sweet. This morning you laid with me for about 7 minutes then dad took you and you laid with him and watched the news for about 10 more. Just hanging out. I love it. I also can lay you on the floor and let you watch your reading video in the mornings. I usually have to strap you in your car seat, but now you will just lay down and watch it.

I love you bud! Keep up the cuddling!
