Friday, September 26, 2008

2nd Doctor Appointment

Hi Baby,

So I had my second doctor appointment this week. It was so exciting because I got to hear your heart beat again! I was getting really worried about you lately because I have had a lot of turmoil in my life and I was worried that it may have been affecting you. But your heart is beating and it is strong so that is a really good sign. I have gained a few pounds and a few inches, so that is a good sign that you are growing.

I made an appointment for my ultrasound! I will get to find out if you are a boy or a girl that day and also see you for the first time. We will be able to tell if you are healthy and strong. I can't wait. My appointment is on October 20th! It will come soon but still seems like so far away.

I found out that I am healthy as can be. I have no diseases and I have B positive blood, so there is no problem with the Rh factor. I am so relieved and it was a great doctor appointment full of good news. The only bad thing is my doctor told me to take out my belly ring or you would stretch it and it would look yucky after, so I took it out, which is probably for the best because you could start to see it through all of my shirts.

I love you!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Great Grandma Mattsson

Dear baby,

Hi little one. I have been having a really tough week. There has been so much going on in my life and a lot of stress. I know that you can feel what I feel and it scares me. I want to take care of you and make sure you are healthy. I am doing my best to stay calm and eat often. I hope that you are still ok in there and not feeling as bad as I am.

The worst thing that has happened this week is that your great grandma Mattsson passed away. She is my dad's mom. She is truely a fantastic person and was so excited to be a great grandma. You were going to be the first great-grandchild and she was so excited for you! She would have been such a fabulous great grandma! I know this because she was such a fantastic person and such a wonderful grandmother to me, that I know she would have been so awesome to have as a great-grandmother. I am truely saddened that you wont get to know her. I will teach you about her though and you will know all the wonderful things she did for me and for all of our family. She was so amazing. I hope that you can grow to understand how much I loved her and how important family is. She taught me a lot about family and has showed me through her actions how great it is to have a wonderful family. I hope to pass that on to you also. I always want to have a close, loving family. I would love to teach you as much as she has taught me through the years.

I hope you are safe and well in there.

Love you,


Thursday, September 4, 2008

12 weeks

Hello little one,

Today I am 12 weeks along. 28 or so more to go. It really is going pretty fast. I have been having a lot of dreams about you lately. You are always a girl (well once you were twins...boy & girl) and you are always really big. Not like a big baby, but you grow into a child in just a few days and I miss you the whole time because I feel like you weren't able to be a baby. You are always talking and last night I was potty training you the first night we brought you home and you were doing it! Crazy dreams. I can't wait to find out if you will be a boy or a girl. I have a feeling you might be a boy. . . if so, sorry about all the girl dreams. But, on the other hand, I hope all the girl dreams are a sign that you are a girl.

I took a picture from my book today that shows about how big you should be today. You are about 2 1/2 inches long and weigh about half an ounce. So small still, but I am definitely getting bigger. I am really excited to start getting big and seeing that you are getting bigger also. All of your vital organs are formed and you now have finger nails. You are pretty much fully developed, just need to get a lot bigger, but you have all your body parts. So exciting!!

Can't wait to have you here,
Love You,
