Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Path

Hi B,

We are starting a journey together on a new path today. I think it will be a good path. Maybe a little bumpy but will lead us to a better destination. I am so happy that you are here to travel this road with me, I don't know if I could do it without you!

I just want you to know I love you more than anything and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me! I hope I raise you to be a strong, honest, trustworthy man. Remember to always treat women with the up most respect and tell your significant other that you love them every single day!

Love you B! And I promise to tell you that every single day!



Sunday, April 11, 2010


Dear B,

We have decided it would be more appropriate to call you Linus, from Charlie Brown, because you have grown extremely attached to your blanket lately. Don't get me wrong, you have always liked your blankets, but now you love them! You won't put them down. It doesn't even matter which blanket, as long as you are holding one. If there happens to be two or three in a room, well then you are holding all of them. It makes it difficult for you to walk, because you trip over them, but you insist.

It was hard for you to find your easter eggs on Easter, so I took your blanket and you looked at me like I was the worst mom ever. Then you went and grabbed your blanket and continued walking around with it. There are times you won't even put it down to eat. Luckily when we take you places we can leave it in the car because you get so excited about being out and about that you forget about it when I take you out of the carseat. I'm sure soon that will change also.




Hi B,

Well Easter has come and gone and was a lot of fun with you! I had 5 days off work and loved spending it with you! We went to the Sand Dunes to visit dad on Friday, but it got too stormy and was way too loud for you to sleep, so we came home really late at night.

We dyed Easter eggs with Savannah and Nathan. That was fun, but you weren't really interested in it this year and you don't like hard boiled eggs. You did have a good time squashing it, just not interested in eating it.

On Sunday morning Savannah and I did your egg hunt with you. I didn't think you would really go find the eggs, but you did and it was so cute. You would find an egg, smile, hold it up in the air, then drop it. Then you would go find another one. Savannah followed you around, trying to catch the eggs as you dropped them, but you were successful in cracking almost every single egg. It was a lot of fun to watch. Then you went through your basket. You don't like the grass on your hands, but you loved eating some of the candy.

You make my holidays so much fun!

