Sunday, September 27, 2009

Family & 6 month pics

Hi B,

Right now you are napping. You have been so fun today! Yesterday we went and had your 6 month pictures, and our family pictures taken. Here is one of you that we can see already. We have to wait for the others, and patience is NOT one of my strenghts. I want to see them! You are so cute and you did such a good job. The first 40 minutes you sat and posed and were so good. Then you were done and so ready to go home, but we still got some more shots. You are such a gorgeous baby! I love those cheeks of yours!

Love, Mom

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Solid Food

Hi B,

The past week we have been trying some food with you. For the most part, you love rice cereal. It is very bland, but you eat it up. Last night we tried green beans. You gave them a fair shot and ate about seven bites before gagging. Two bites in a row you gagged, so I stopped feeding you. Tonight we tried cereal mixed with the green beans and that didn't seem so bad, but you still weren't thrilled about the beans. We will keep trying. Two more nights, then its onto Summer Squash.



Friday, September 18, 2009

6 month visit

So we had your doctor visit last night. I must say you are a stud with shots. You held your breath and turned really red and let out a good scream, then you were fine. You really did a great job last night. You only slept about 30 minutes from 3 to 9 and you were still in a good mood. Here are your stats

Height 26 1/4 inch (45th percentile)
Weight 16 pounds 1 ounce (25th percentile)
Head ?? 1/8 inches (40th percentile)

Now I must admit that I thought you were on the chubby side, but looks like you aren't. I think those cheeks of yours give off a false impression.

We started you on cereal last night and you ate like a champ. You loved it and we made a mess, but you were so cute. In about 3 days we will start you on vegetables and within 2 weeks you should be on 3 meals a day. That should fatten you up a bit. I can't wait to try new veggies with you. I'm so excited and you seem to be too! You loved it and we loved watching you!

Love you baby!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm So Sorry

Dear B,

I'm so sorry!

This morning, as I was getting ready, you were rolling around on the floor in our room, like always. You managed to roll under your bouncer, which is a common occurance. You whine and I pull you out and you continue on your rolling way. This morning when you got stuck, I pulled you out and you started crying. I gave you a hug, put you down, and told you that you were fine. You were happy and continued to roll around some more. When I went in to check on you a few minutes later, I noticed a large scratch down your cheek. It is about two inches long. After examining the bouncer, I found the culprit. The piece of velcro on the bottom. When I pulled you out today you must of just been positioned wrong and rubbed your face on it.

I know it is just a scratch and will heal in a few days, but it is the biggest scratch you have had so far and I feel like I am to blame. I know how annoying those scratches can be and they can sting. I'm sorry B! I love you. Thanks for still loving me and playing with me this morning. I didn't mean to scratch you!



Wednesday, September 16, 2009

6 months!

Good Morning B,

You turned 6 months old yesterday! I can't believe you have been in our lives for that long! You are turning out to be such an amazing boy! You have new developments all the time. You now smile with your tongue sticking out, which is soooo cute! You also went camping with us over Labor Day and did such a great job camping and in the car! It is so nice being with you and you are so much happier now than you were when you were newborn, and that makes me so happy!

We have your doctor appointment tomorrow. I can't wait to see how much you weigh and how long you are. You have to get your immunizations, which I think I hate as much as you do. I am going to talk to the doctor about two main things. 1. Eating solid foods. I think we will be starting you on baby cereal this week and I am so excited to start feeding you real food. I think you will like it. You always watch me eat and are so interested in it. 2. Your sleeping, or lack of sleeping. The last two weeks you have been waking up 6 or so times a night and you fight going back to sleep. You scream and kick and moan and groan and soon as we put you down, you wake up and start all over again. You were doing so great at nights until recently and we need to figure out what is going on so dad and I can get some sleep!

I love having you in our lives. You are such a great addition for us and made us into a family. You are so amazing.

I love you,
