Sunday, August 23, 2009

Been a While

Hi B,

It has been a while since I have written you. You are seriously growing up so fast...too fast. I love that you are bigger because you are such a happier baby most of the time and not nearly as ornery, unless you are sleepy. You are also coming upon so many milestones and it is fun to watch. I don't like that you are bigger though because my little baby is growing up.

Last night you slept from 730 until 510 without getting up. This is great for you. You have been doing much better with your sleep but you always wake up between 430 and 530 ready to play, which is way too early for mom! When I wetn to get you this morning you had completely escaped your swaddle, kicked away from the anti rolling things, rolled, turned to your belly, and turned 180 degrees! You are getting so big! You are rolling both ways fairly regularly, you love sitting up in the bath and are figuring out how to splash. You figured out how to turn yourself in a cirlce, which is fun to watch.You try to kick and crawl when on your belly, and can put your binky back in your mouth about 60% of the time. You love playing with your feet, being held, and going outside. You love going on walks and being in your stroller. You try to drink from adult cups and are doing so so so much better in the car. You rarely cy unless you are tired.

You are getting so big and I love seeing all your developments!

Love you,


Thursday, August 6, 2009


Hi B,

Hi sweetheart. Right now you are sleeping. Taking a nice nap. You are doing very well lately with the sleeping. Nights are on and off, sometimes you get up once and sometimes 3 times. Not ever twice though. You go down for naps easily, usually and they have increased from 40 minutes to about an hour and a half, for the most part. You still are having trouble staying asleep on your own after that 40 minute mark, but I can usually coax you back to sleep. Good job, keep working on it and learning and soon we will both be able to sleep through the night! I can't wait!

You are getting so big. You are sitting up by yourself for up to a minute at a time, you love playing with toys and yesterday you found your feet and now like to stick them in your mouth. You can hold your own bottle fairly well, can go 4 hours between feedings during the day and I swear you grew during your first nap today! You are so big and so cute! You are learning so much lately and are so much fun to interact with.

Everyone always tells me how much they love your cheeks : )

Love you,
