Thursday, March 26, 2009

11 Days!

Dear Baby,

Where does the time go? Its already been 11 days! That is just crazy! Things are going really well though. You are now sleeping in your cradle and eating every 3-4 hours, instead of every 1 or 2 hours. Dad has been working and he doesn't get home until late, so you and me have been spending lots of time together, just the two of us. Grandma Mary has been coming over and spending time with you also while mom showers and gets stuff done around the house.

Unfortunately, you caught dad's cold. Mom caught it too. You have such a stuffy nose. It is so sad to see and hear. It wakes you up at nights and I can tell you have a hard time breathing. I hope you get better soon. The doctor said there isn't any medicine I can give you for a stuffy nose that is ok for babies to take, so you are suffering through it. I hope you can fight it and feel better soon. On a better note, I think your gas is much better and your acid reflux isn't as bad. I haven't been giving you your medicine and you are still being such a good baby!

It is weird to think that if you didn't come on your own 11 days ago, I would have been induced last night and you would be born today. I can't even imagine have living the last 11 days without you! I'm very happy that you came when you did and that I know you came on your own and wasn't forced to come. And, I'm certainly happy that we are home today and not in the hospital! Plus we've had spring snow storms all week and I'd much rather be bundled up in our house with you, staying warm and spending time together then having to be giving birth.

You are waking up now...

Love you,


Friday, March 20, 2009

5 Days!

Dear Bracken,

Hi little guy! You are now 5 days old. The last five days have been a lot of work and little sleep for mom and dad, but worth every second! You are such a cute little man and such a miracle. You have had a doctor appointment and you are already gaining weight. Way to go! You are quite fussy and we are trying to figure out what is wrong. We are thinking gas or heart burn. It breaks my heart to see you cry and you cry quite a bit. Today we had to go get some lab work done and you had to give up some of your blood. It is testing for Jaundice. Your first test scored really low and put you at low risk for developing it, but you are beginning to go a little yellow and the whites of your eyes are slightly yellow. I hope it comes back ok. I should find out in a couple hours.

Other than that, we have spent most of our time hanging out at home. You, dad, and me. We haven't had many visitors and its been kind of nice just spending time as a family. Dad went back to work today so last night and today it has just been the two of us and although I am exhuausted, it is nice being able to be with you.

I hope your first 5 days have been happy, even though I don't think you feel well. I hope I am doing an ok job at this mommy business. I am certainly trying to do all I can for you.

I love you baby,


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Dear Bracken,

You are finally here and well worth the wait!! I can't stop staring at you! You are the cutest thing I have ever seen! You decided to join us on March 15th 2009, weighing 7 lbs 13 ounces and was 18 inches long. You are healthy and seemingly happy. You love to be cuddled up with mom and dad and scream when we put you down. You are having a rough time sleeping since we can't put you down and therefore, we are having a rough time sleeping. But you are worth every second of lost sleep!

It is so amazing what the human body can do and how you grew inside me and are now here in our world! You are so adorable and amazing! I love you and would do anything in my power for you. It breaks my heart to hear you cry and I am amazed at how I could fall so deeply in love with someone so quickly. My life changed over night in such a spectacular way! Thank you for joining our family. I already can't imaging life without you.

I love you so much!!


Friday, March 13, 2009

39 plus Weeks

Dear Baby,

I am still waiting for you. I think I am somewhat patient, but others may think different. I do want you to stay in there as long as you need to in order to be born happy and healthy, but I am also very uncomfortable and would love for you to come now so we can start our little family. I am getting very anxious to see you and am getting more and more nervous everyday about the labor part of you coming. I will be so relieved when you are here and healthy.

Based on the doctors office, you are due in two days. Based on the hospital date, you are due in six. Either way, it is about time for you to come! I have a doctor appointment today and I am anxious to see what he says about you and if my body is getting ready...or not...which is what he has been telling me.

Well, I love you and have been thinking about you and talking to you a lot lately! Can't wait to meet you!
