Saturday, November 29, 2008


So, we finally got your room all put together today. Your dad and I finished painting and touch ups then grandma came over and helped me put all your furniture together and get everything out. I still need to hang your celing fan and curtains, get a rug and a garbage can, and get a rocking chair, but other than that it is super cute! I hope you love it, I really do!

Dad is out of town this weekend, so it is just the two of us. We did our Christmas shopping yesterday and got family pictures today then worked on your nursery. We are going to put up our Christmas tree tomorrow. We have been busy! I love feeling you kick, especially when dad is gone, it reminds me that you are there and growing and it makes me really happy. I have a hard time being home alone and just knowing you are down there helps keep me calm and happy.

Love you,


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So Thankful for YOU!!

Hi Baby,

Hope all is well down there in the belly! I love feeling you everyday and so much everyday. You kept me entertained last night during class by kicking the entire time. Sometimes school is quite boring, but it was much more entertaining having you moving around down there! Then when I was getting ready for bed last night you were kicking so much that I could feel you on both sides of my tummy. I have felt that before but never so much. It was so sweet and I absolutely loved it. I must say I am pretty attached to you!

Knowing all this, I want you to know how thankful I am to have you in my life. I am so excited to start our family and think you will be such a great addition. I feel like my life is in shambles right now and has been for the last few months. A lot has happened that I'm not thankful for and that has caused me a lot of stress and tears. As I think about the last few months, the one thing that has kept me going and happy is you! I am so thankful you came when you did and it was definitely a gift because the last few months would have been a lot harder if you weren't down there growing! I am so thankful to have you and can't wait until you arrive! About 16 more weeks!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hello Sweet Pea

Hi Baby,

We are 22 1/2 weeks right now and you are moving around so much. On Friday night you were flipping and turning and doing cartwheels in my belly. It was so fun to feel you and now I Just keep wanting you to do it again. Then on Saturday I felt you 6 or 7 different times for a long period of time each time. I think you were awake and moving all day! I love feeling you this much!!

You are currently getting eye brows and more hair all over your head. Your body is also covered with a thin layer of hair. I read that you can taste the food that I eat because it goes in the amniotic fluid that you are swimming in and you will occasionally swallow some, practicing your digesting skills. I hope you are liking what I am eating and I am trying to eat quite a variety of foods - minus the meat. Yuk! I wonder if you will take after me or dad in the meat department. I wouldn't eat it if I was dying and dad can't get enough of it. Secretly, I hope you follow me with this, but I really don't care either way!

We are still struggling with your name. Nothing seems to fit or just feel perfect. And dad and I agreeing on the same name is another problem. We got the paint for your nursery this weekend though and I plan on starting to paint today! I am so excited! I hope you feel comfortable in your room and love it! I will fill it all full of love as I am painting and decorating it!

Love you baby! Approximately 123 days to go!!



Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Daddy Felt You!

Dear Baby,

So for the last couple weeks, you have been kicking hard enough for others to feel it if they happen to have their hand on my tummy when you kick. That's the tricky part. So, when I feel you kicking I always tell dad and show him where to put his hand to feel you. Every single time, you stop kicking. I think it is hilarious but dad doesn't think it is that funny. Last night you kicked twice so I told dad, "you might be able to feel him, put your hand here (on my tummy)." So he did and he felt you about 5 times in about a minute. He was very excited and happy to finally be able to feel you! Then you stopped and dad kept his hand there for about 5 minutes, just in case, but there was no more movement. Then soon as he moved his hand, you started kicking again. I laughed. Dad is so happy to have felt you though. He gave you a big kiss after!

I have felt you so much the last 3 days. I think your muscles are getting stronger and your bone is getting harder so it is easier for me to feel you. Plus you are getting much bigger. I love feeling you move around in there! It lets me know that you are alright, so keep it up!!

Love you,
