Monday, June 28, 2010


Hi B,

It has been a while since I have written you. It has been a crazy month! It is summer and so nice outside and you absolutely LOVE being outside. You would live out there if you had a choice. This month you had your 15 month checkup. You are 30 1/4 inches tall - 25th percentile, your head circumference is in the 25th percentile and you weigh 19 pounds 12 ounces. About the same as you did at your 12 month appointment and you are now in the "less than 5 percentile" range. On your medical graph you are well below the bottom line, but you look healthy and your belly pokes out so I think you are doing just fine. You also got really sick for a week before your appointment and didn't eat much and lost some weight. You were sick this weekend too. Saturday you ha a fever of 104.6 degrees at one point. It scared me. I hate it when you get sick!

You are getting to be such a little man and I love watching your brain work and process things all the time. The other day you pulled your small booster chair all the way across the living room and put it by the wall so you could stand on it to try to reach our security system buttons, which you love to push. The fact that you realized you could stand on the chair to make you taller just astounds me! Such a smart boy!

You also do things now and you will remember it days later and do it again. Your brain is definitely growing and you are learning new things every day. I haven't stuck with the reading program at all lately. I am mad at myself but I feel like we don't have much time together as it is and I don't want to waste our time together, especially in summer doing it. Education is so important and I'm not setting a very good example and really want to get back into it. That will be our goal.

Well B, I love you. You are so amazing and are doing so great. You make me so happy and you make my life complete!

Love you tons.
