Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hi B!

Once again life has been crazy and I haven't written you in months. I am so sorry. I will get better. I noticed today that you have gotten so big lately! You are speaking in 4-5 word phrases often and understand most everything I say. You know some of your colors, can count to 3, know hundreds and hundreds of words, you share with others, give me loves on a regular basis without me even asking and much more. Today I walked in my room and you were laying on your belly kicking your feet. You looked like such a little man! You slept with me last night and you kept cuddling me and just wanted to be right next to me and touching me, which melted my heart! You clean up your toys when I ask (most of the time), can ask for anything you want, and help when I ask you to.

Today you had soda (which you don't get often) and you tried to bring it upstairs. You spilled it on the carpet and kept saying, over and over, "oh no, mess, Mom!" I had some diaper wipes on the top stair and you climbed up and grabbed them and said, "clean it with wipes." You cleaned it up the best you could (you are climbing all over me right now and making this difficult! I love it!). Things like that just make me realize how big you are!

You're favorite show is Dora The Explorer. You watch 2 (and sometimes more) episodes a day. You will watch other things, but ask for Dora, Boots, or Swiper numerous times a day. You will say, "Mom, TB (tv). Dora, Boots" You also say please and thank you on a regular basis, which is very good manners. You also say you're welcome, which comes out as "wehcome."

Thanks for being such a sweetheart and such a great boy! I wouldn't change anything and couldn't ask for anything more! I love you more than I ever thought possible!

Love you!!!!
